Helpful Resources
Selling your settlement is a big decision that will impact your life now and in the future. Here are a few helpful resources for frequently asked questions and other financial planning articles.
Selling your settlement is a big decision that will impact your life now and in the future. Here are a few helpful resources for frequently asked questions and other financial planning articles.
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If your financial needs have changed, selling a portion of your structured settlement or the entire settlement may be the help you need to surmount any obstacles in front of you. That’s what our Strategic Capital team strives to help you do.
Your annuity was established to provide for you over the years. Those years include the present, though, and if you’re in a situation where you could benefit from access to some or all of your annuity money now, we’re here to help. Our goal is to provide services that give your annuity the flexibility it needs to best serve you now and in the future.
We specialize in helping people access money that’s promised to them in the future to meet their needs today. With that goal in mind, we’ve been purchasing lottery winnings since 1994. We help people get money from future lottery prize winning payments for today’s needs or opportunities.
Learn more about all the terms you will hear when working with a structured settlement factoring company.