Here’s our Strategic Approach to Working with Annuitants –

It is substantially different from the approach other companies take:
1) We Dissuade and Suggest Alternatives
2) We try to Preserve the Structure
3) We Encourage Professional Advice
We all know how fast life can change and sometimes just having our service as an option and not using it can provide the comfort your clients need to deal with the problems they are facing.
Our objective is always to help annuitants, not take advantage of them. We always want them to be in a better position after our transaction than before they came to us.
At Strategic Capital, we know structured settlements are a fantastic financial asset — they provide customized, guaranteed future payments which lead to financial and emotional stability for annuitants.
Most annuitants can deal with changes in their lives without touching their structured settlement payments. That accounts for 80 – 90% of annuitants.
However, some people need to adjust to their changed circumstances and about 10 – 20% of annuitants sell some payments in order to deal with changes in their lives.
When people call us for help, it is usually because they are facing another financial, physical, or emotional challenge.
Here’s our Strategic Approach to working with annuitants – It is substantially different from the approach other companies take:
1) We Dissuade and Suggest Alternatives
First, we help your clients think through their options and encourage them to explore alternatives for raising the money they need. Sometimes, we help find ways to get creditors to reduce debt and even assist in creating personal budgets. We actually dissuade 25% of the annuitants we work with. This is a significant number since these were people who were fully intending to sell and because of the time we spent with them, they changed their minds.
2) We try to Preserve the Structure
When we do provide options for annuitants to consider, we emphasize ways (whenever possible) that they can get the money they need sooner while still receiving a material portion of their structured settlement payments. Situations where Strategic Capital purchases only a portion of future payments make up approximately 85% of the transactions we complete.
For more than 20 years we continue to hear from annuitants, settlement professionals and trial lawyers that Strategic Capital is the only company to suggest a partial sale. People often assume it’s not even an option.
3) We Encourage Professional Advice
We recommend our customers consult with someone they trust before selling. A small number of states make it mandatory for annuitants to obtain independent professional advice before completing their transaction. We have taken it a step further. Strategic Capital has always had a company policy which requires any annuitant we transact with who is younger than 20 years, or who has suffered a TBI, or suffers from a mental or psychological disability to obtain their own independent advice before completing our transaction.
We all know how fast life can change and sometimes just having our service as an option and not using it can provide the comfort your clients need to deal with the problems they are facing.
Our objective is always to help annuitants, not take advantage of them. We always want them to be in a better position after our transaction than before they came to us.
If you learn that your client is considering selling any payments, put us in touch with your client or put your client in touch with us.